Monday, November 08, 2004

black and white

when u think of death what colour comes to ur mind? when u think of heaven what colour comes to ur mind? Whether u believe in heaven or not..? there must be a colour in your head. Most ppl will probably have black for death and white for heaven. Is there a connection between heaven and death? u have to experience one to go to the next. It's the same with black and white...u have to experience black to yo know what white is...Think about it...........

Monday, November 01, 2004


The secret of death is it's surprise element. If we knew about our death, life could be even more screwed up. But it could also avoid suicide since it becomes a fact that life is short lived. The irony of that, Death avoids death. Is death the absence of life? There are 3 types of people in this world: Scared, unaware, suicidal. Why are we scared of death? Why do we live our lives hoping to live another day ? Irrespective whatever, death will always be around. Each of us have to die someday. So leave it to faith and live like u know. Live each day like it's your last. Most people get so awkward when talking about death, like it's a taboo. Personally, it's the best thing in the world. Death is actually a metaphor for life. It's like 'u' live to die but dont 'die to live'. If there was no death u wouldnt accomplish anythin coz u know there is always tommorow. There are heaps of arguments against that, but tommorow is something most of us havent seen. Tommorow is like death, coz ' u never know'. There is no specific point to this except convey my thoughts on paper. This mite be incomplete, but dat's 'discreet' thinking. So if u live for tommorow, it basically means u 'dying to live'.