A passing thought
We go thru life trying to answer the 'what if' question...always trying to discover paths that were never lead...we refuse to accept our present self and try to accept the person we never were. Our fascination with destiny is exaggerated where we hope that the 'right' turn was taken. If only we were alien enough to accept ourselves and not figure out our place in this tiny bubble of a miracle. A painting showed me our individuality where each person has thier own world or metaphorically speaking ' our very own bubble'. U must be wondering about my fascination of bubble, all thanks to Coldplay- Parachutes..back to by endless thoughts....all we see is people walking around..but in actually fact they are different 'you's who have lived thier life different. They have the same problems as you...just different context's...anyways all i have to say is that being judgemental and subjective of another person is not the right way to go about finding a person's true personality....
MOIZZZ!! what a surprise to see yr comment on my blog! was trying so hard to keep it a secret :-)good to hear from you! interesting blog u have here....quite 'intense' :-)
how've u been?
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Anonymous |
2:40 AM
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